About our septic tank cleanouts... please call us!
Routine or emergency septic tank cleanouts can be scheduled through a call to our office. When you call, we will ask you a few questions about your system, such as whether you know where the tank is located, how large it is, and approximately when it was last serviced. If you are a regular customer of ours, we should be able to find this information in our files. If not, you can tell us what you do – or do not – know, and we will do our best to give you an accurate assessment of price, plus answer any other pre-servicing questions you may have. We will find a time that best suits your schedule, and we will arrive at your home promptly at the appointed day and time. If you have an emergency, we will do our best to fit you into our schedule that same day, regardless of how busy we already are.
If you wish to schedule your cleanout with that of one or more of your neighbours, we do offer volume discounts for multiple tanks. It’s also a great opportunity for you and your neighbours to ask us any septic-related questions you may have, regarding your system specifically or about septic systems in general. We schedule our appointments so that our servicemen have time to answer your questions; both our field and office personnel are well-informed and look forward to conversing with you.
When we service your system, we will observe how the system is handling the present occupancy and usage of the home, and make recommendations as to future frequency of pumping, need for filter cleaning, baffle repair, etc. When we have determined the ideal cleanout frequency for your system, we will send you a reminder card to let you know when your system is due for servicing. We do not try to sell you a maintenance plan with a pre-arranged pumping schedule, as we find that home occupancy can change significantly over time, and the corresponding usage changes with it. When you have received a reminder card, and call us to schedule an appointment, we will have our previously recommended cleaning interval in mind when we arrive, and will recommend adjusting it accordingly (or not), depending on how your system is responding to present demand.
If you are a commercial customer, with large sewage treatment plant systems having multiple tanks, large sewage lift stations, or with multiple tanks which feed into their own individual disposal field or into one larger disposal field, we can help you to decide on the appropriate intervals between cleanouts, and, if you wish, perform regular maintenance on these tanks with, or without, the need for you to call us first. We keep complete and comprehensive information on all systems that we service including – but not limited to – size, location, condition, recommended cleaning frequencies, prices charged, and which serviceman did the work. Our commercial customers often find this information very helpful in their annual budgeting process, and also when they decide to sell their business. Buyers appreciate our thorough record-keeping, and also the fact that our personnel are available to help them ease into a maintenance schedule for their new property. However, please rest assured that we never discuss our activities at a given property without express permission of the owner of record. We work for you, and we always have your best interests foremost in our minds.
Call Us
Serving Lantzville to Deep Bay
Qualicum & North: 250-752-2921
Parksville & Nanoose: 250-248-3833
Lantzville: 250-390-2009
Get to Know Action Tank Service

About our septic tank cleanouts... please call us!
Routine or emergency septic tank cleanouts can be scheduled through a call to our office. When you call, we will ask you a few questions about your system, such as whether you know where the tank is located, how large it is, and approximately when it was last serviced. If you are a regular customer of ours, we should be able to find this information in our files. If not, you can tell us what you do – or do not – know, and we will do our best to give you an accurate assessment of price, plus answer any other pre-servicing questions you may have. We will find a time that best suits your schedule, and we will arrive at your home promptly at the appointed day and time. If you have an emergency, we will do our best to fit you into our schedule that same day, regardless of how busy we already are.
If you wish to schedule your cleanout with that of one or more of your neighbours, we do offer volume discounts for multiple tanks. It’s also a great opportunity for you and your neighbours to ask us any septic-related questions you may have, regarding your system specifically or about septic systems in general. We schedule our appointments so that our servicemen have time to answer your questions; both our field and office personnel are well-informed and look forward to conversing with you.
When we service your system, we will observe how the system is handling the present occupancy and usage of the home, and make recommendations as to future frequency of pumping, need for filter cleaning, baffle repair, etc. When we have determined the ideal cleanout frequency for your system, we will send you a reminder card to let you know when your system is due for servicing. We do not try to sell you a maintenance plan with a pre-arranged pumping schedule, as we find that home occupancy can change significantly over time, and the corresponding usage changes with it. When you have received a reminder card, and call us to schedule an appointment, we will have our previously recommended cleaning interval in mind when we arrive, and will recommend adjusting it accordingly (or not), depending on how your system is responding to present demand.
If you are a commercial customer, with large sewage treatment plant systems having multiple tanks, large sewage lift stations, or with multiple tanks which feed into their own individual disposal field or into one larger disposal field, we can help you to decide on the appropriate intervals between cleanouts, and, if you wish, perform regular maintenance on these tanks with, or without, the need for you to call us first. We keep complete and comprehensive information on all systems that we service including – but not limited to – size, location, condition, recommended cleaning frequencies, prices charged, and which serviceman did the work. Our commercial customers often find this information very helpful in their annual budgeting process, and also when they decide to sell their business. Buyers appreciate our thorough record-keeping, and also the fact that our personnel are available to help them ease into a maintenance schedule for their new property. However, please rest assured that we never discuss our activities at a given property without express permission of the owner of record. We work for you, and we always have your best interests foremost in our minds.